Results for 'A. S. Santesmases'

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  1.  22
    Enzymology at the core: primers and templates in Severo Ochoa's transition from biochemistry to molecular biology. Jesú, Marí S. Santesmases & A. - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (2):193-218.
  2.  57
    From intestine transport to enzymatic regulation: The works of the Spanish biochemist Alberto Sols (1917–1989).Marı́a Jesús Santesmases - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (2):287-313.
    In this paper the scientific trajectory of Spanish influential biochemist Alberto Sols (1917–1989) is presented in comparative perspective. His social and academic environment, his research training under the Cori's in the US in the early 1950s and his works when coming back to Spain to develop his own scientific career are described in order to present the central argument of this paper on his path from physiological research to research on enzymatic regulation. Sols' main contributions were both scientific and academic. (...)
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    Circulating biomedical images: Bodies and chromosomes in the post-eugenic era.María Jesús Santesmases - 2017 - History of Science 55 (4):395-430.
    This essay presents the early days of human cytogenetics, from the late 1950s until the mid 1970s, as a historical series of images. I propose a chronology moving from photographs of bodies to chromosome sets, to be joined by ultrasound images, which provided a return to bodies, by then focused on the unborn. Images carried ontological significance and, as I will argue, are principal characters in the history of human cytogenetics. Inspired by the historiography of heredity and genetics, studies on (...)
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    L. Varius Rufus, De Morte (Frs. 1–4 Morel).A. S. Hollis - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):187-.
    Already an admired senior poet to Virgil in the Eclogues , Varius by the mid-thirties, B.C. had established himself as the leading epic writer of his day . It is a sobering thought that we do not know even the titles of the serious hexameter works which had won him so high a reputation, except for de Morte, quoted four times by Macrobius.
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    The Failed Search for the Neutral in the Secular: Public Bioethics in the Face of the Culture Wars.A. S. Iltis - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (3):220-233.
    Public bioethics focuses on deliberating about, recommending, or establishing social policies or practices concerning health care and biotechnology. A brace of premises underlies much of the work of public bioethics. First, there is the view that, if one approaches reality and human life as if both were without ultimate significance, one will find that one shares a common public bioethics. That is, if one abstains not only from any religious concerns, but even from philosophical reflections on the circumstance that life (...)
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  6.  62
    Habeo and Aveo: The Romance Future.A. S. Gratwick - 1972 - Classical Quarterly 22 (02):388-.
    ‘The sudden emergence of all the post-classical functions of habeo+Infinitive in Tertullian is very remarkable’, as Mr. Coleman has said in his important paper on the origin and development of this structure, so prominent in the formation of the Future and Conditional paradigms of the main Romance languages. The functions which he has in mind are all Prospective: he distinguishes meanings tangential, as he puts it, to Possibility, Obligation/Necessity, Futurity, and, for the past tenses of habeo, Futurity-in-the-Past and Conditioned Unreality (...)
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  7.  38
    The Methods of Theocritus and Some Problems in his Poems.A. S. F. Gow - 1930 - Classical Quarterly 24 (3-4):146-.
    Some years ago, when discussing Theocr. 22. 177 sqq. , I suggested that Theocritus had been a little careless in envisaging the circumstances which he is describing, and had written as though a duel normally resulted in the deaths of both combatants. That still seems to me the probable explanation of the difficulty with which I was dealing, and, as I then said, the oversight with which I charged Theocritus is venial enough, for in fact two deaths result from the (...)
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  8.  38
    Callimachus, Aetia Fr. 1.9–12.A. S. Hollis - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (02):402-.
    Both and are guaranteed by the London scholia , so the gap is reduced to the tantalizingly small one of a monosyllabic feminine noun in the accusative case, most probably of four letters. The number of possibilities cannot be unlimited. My own suggestion must necessarily remain in limbo in the present state of our knowledge concerning the poet or poets whom Callimachus is talking about, but at least it seems to me less bizarre than other restorations currently in the field.
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  9.  41
    Hysteron Proteron in the Aeneid.A. S. Mcdevitt - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (02):316-.
    ‘Putting the cart before the horse is folly, even when disguised under one ofthose Greek phrases which are so often employed-in grammar, in medicine,and in theology-to cloak ignorance. No writer of sense puts that last whichshould come first, and to accuse a great writer of doing so is mere impertinence.’1.
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  10.  36
    Antipater of Sidon: Notes and Queries.A. S. F. Gow - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):1-6.
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  11.  41
    Corrigendum.A. S. F. Gow - 1935 - Classical Quarterly 29 (3-4):149-.
    Line 24 on page 218 in the July number of this volume of Philosophy should read as follows: naturally out of matter itself lifeless or that consciousness and intelli-.
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  12.  30
    Notes on the Fifth Idyll of Theocritus.A. S. F. Gow - 1935 - Classical Quarterly 29 (02):65-.
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  13.  34
    Vale, Patrona Virgo: the text of Catullus 1.9.A. S. Gratwick - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52 (1):305-320.
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  14. Alibali, MW, 451 Anderson, JR, 1 Atran, S., 117 Aveyard, ME, 611.K. G. D. Bailey, A. S. Bangert, D. J. Barr, J. L. Barrett, P. J. Bennett, I. Biederman, N. Bonini, J. F. Bonnefon, R. Budiu & J. C. Buisson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28:1033-1034.
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  15.  24
    Crick, F. 222.J. Currie, A. Damasio, J. Danckert, C. Darwin, A. S. David, M. Davies, B. Davis, J. Decety, R. C. DeCharmes & K. Delmeire - 2005 - In Helena de Preester & Veroniek Knockaert, Body image and body schema. John Benjamins. pp. 329.
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  16. Some Epistemological Reflections on Software Development.A. M. Haeberer & P. A. S. Veloso - unknown
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  17.  23
    Further tests of theories of decision in an "expanded judgment" situation.Francis W. Irwin & W. A. S. Smith - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (6):345.
  18.  17
    Correlation between phase structure and electrical conduction in BISNVOX system for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.Saba Beg, Shehla Hafeez & Niyazi A. S. Al-Areqi - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (34):4579-4593.
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  19. Science and empires : past and present questions.Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva, Thomás A. S. Haddad & Kapil Raj - 2023 - In Matheus Alves Duarte Da Silva, Thomás A. S. Haddad & Kapil Raj, Beyond science and empire: circulation of knowledge in an age of global empires, 1750-1945. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  20. Nat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i imperii︠a︡ v russkoĭ mysli nachala XX veka.S. M. Sergeev, V. V. Rozanov & A. V. Lomonosov (eds.) - 2004 - Moskva: Izdatelʹskiĭ Dom "Prensa".
  21. Khudozhestvennai︠a︡ argumentat︠s︡ii︠a︡.E. S. Akopdzhani︠a︡n - 1991 - Erevan: Izd-vo AN Armenii.
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  22.  21
    What happens to “useless” natural language mediators?Philip H. Marshall & Randolph A. S. Smith - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (3):207-208.
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  23. Sovremennai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ i sot︠s︡iologicheskai︠a︡ myslʹ stran Vostoka.S. N. Grigori︠a︡n (ed.) - 1965 - Moskva: Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry.
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  24. Filosofii︠a︡ i metodologii︠a︡ nauki: materialy vserossiĭskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Ulʹi︠a︡novsk, 15-17 ii︠u︡ni︠a︡ 2011.N. G. Baranet︠s︡ & A. B. Verevkin (eds.) - 2011 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: Izdatelʹ Kachalin Aleksandr Vasilʹevich.
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  25.  15
    The temperature dependence of the hall effect in cadmium.J. Stringer, J. Hill & A. S. Huglin - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (169):53-61.
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  26. List of Contents: Volume 19, Number 2, April 2006.Synchronization Debates, Vladimir Dzhunushaliev, Md M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar, Dipankar Home & Force Laws - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (5).
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  27.  9
    Filosofii︠a︡ obrazovanii︠a︡ i tvorchestvo: k 10-letnemu i︠u︡bilei︠u︡ fakulʹteta filosofii cheloveka Rossiĭskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.A. P. Valit︠s︡kai︠a︡ (ed.) - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Russkiĭ Khristianskiĭ gumanitarnyĭ in-t.
  28.  27
    On Modulated Logics for 'Generally' : Some Metamathematical Issues.Sheila R. M. Veloso & Paulo A. S. Veloso - unknown
  29. Śāṅkara Vedāntamāṃ Avidyāvicāra.Nagīna Jī Śāha - 2001 - Amadāvāda: Prāptisthāna Sarasvatī Pustaka Bhaṇḍāra.
    Concept of Avidyā in the Vedānta philosophy of Śaṅkarācārya; a study.
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  30.  20
    (2 other versions)Boekbespreking.B. Gemser, E. S. Mulder & A. S. Geyser - 1949 - HTS Theological Studies 5 (3).
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  31.  8
    Rat︠s︡ionalʹnoe i vnerat︠s︡ionalʹnoe (kognitivnyĭ analiz): monografii︠a︡.A. V. Turkulet︠s︡ - 2003 - Khabarovsk: Dalʹnevostochnyĭ gos. universitet puteĭ soobshchenii︠a︡.
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  32. Filosof i vremi︠a︡: k 70-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡ B.S. Gri︠a︡znova.B. S. Gri︠a︡znov, K. V. Malinovskai︠a︡ & Z. I. Snykova (eds.) - 1999 - Obninsk: Obninskiĭ in-t atomnoĭ ėnergetiki.
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ analitika ritma: Zhilʹ Delëz, ili, O spasenii.E. A. Makovet︠s︡kiĭ - 2004 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
  34. Qirāʼāt muʻāṣirah fī falsafat al-tarbiyah.Majdī Ṣalāḥ Ṭāhā Mahdī - 2021 - [Cairo]: Kutubunā.
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  35.  11
    "Tretiĭ Zavet" ott︠s︡a Sergii︠a︡ Bulgakova.N. K. Bonet︠s︡kai︠a︡ - 2023 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
    Tri filosofskikh "opravdanii︠a︡" (teodit︠s︡ei︠a︡, antropodit︠s︡ei︠a︡, kosmodit︠s︡ei︠a︡ Serebri︠a︡nogo veka) -- Russkai︠a︡ sofiologii︠a︡ i kabbala -- S. Bulgakov : nauka sofiologii︠a︡ (ili konet︠s︡ religii) -- Tretiĭ Zavet o. Sergii︠a︡ Bulgakova -- Tretʹezavetnai︠a︡ misterii︠a︡ ("malai︠a︡" trilogii︠a︡ Bulgakova).
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  36.  72
    Choice sequences and informal rigour.A. S. Troelstra - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):217 - 227.
    In this paper we discuss a particular example of the passage from the informal, but rigorous description of a concept to the axiomatic formulation of principles holding for the concept; in particular, we look at the principles of continuity and lawlike choice in the theory of lawless sequences. Our discussion also leads to a better understanding of the rôle of the so-called density axiom for lawless sequences.
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  37. Rossiĭskai︠a︡ identichnostʹ v uslovii︠a︡kh globalizat︠s︡ii.V. S. Bui︠a︡nov - 2008 - Moskva: RAGS. Edited by R. G. Gadzhieva & L. O. Ternovai︠a︡.
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  38.  31
    Inhibition of postnatal maternal performance in rats treated with marijuana extract during pregnancy.E. L. Abel, N. Day, B. A. Dintcheff & C. A. S. Ernst - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (5):353-354.
  39.  41
    (2 other versions)Symposium: Do Finite Individuals Possess a Substantive or an Adjectival Mode of Being?Bernard Bosanquet, A. S. Pringle-Pattison, G. F. Stout & Lord Haldane - 1918 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 18:479 - 581.
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  40.  14
    Risk-based approach to provide internal quality control and safety medical management programs in dental care practices.O. Yu Afanasyeva, S. V. Dronov & A. S. Serbin - 2020 - Bioethics 25 (1):48-53.
    The effectiveness of a quality management program of medical care has to meet not just the quality management standards, but also has to be flexible, taking into account the features of a medical organization and the existing problems in the medical care support. The effectiveness of a quality management program is based on feedback, so the quality control of medical care is so important. The study of problems in medical care gives us the ability to improve both, the quality management (...)
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  41. Kulʹturologii︠a︡ XX vek: antologii︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ i sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ kulʹtury.L. V. Skvort︠s︡ov & S. I︠A︡ Levit (eds.) - 1994 - Moskva: Inion Ran.
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  42. Vaiyākaraṇānāmanyeṣāṃ ca matena śabdasvarūpatacchaktivicāraḥ.Kāl̲ik̲āprasāda Śukla - 1979 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānandasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālaye.
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  43.  5
    Molodoĭ I︠A︡spers: rozhdenie ėkzistent︠s︡ializma iz peny psikhiatrii.A. V. Pert︠s︡ev - 2012 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo RKhGA.
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  44.  7
    "Na ca" ratnamālikā.Māntiṭṭa Śāstr̥śarma Kuñcunampūtiri - 2003 - Vārāṇasī: Sampūrnaṇāndasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālaye. Edited by Māntiṭṭa Śāstr̥śarma Kuñcunampūtiri.
    On fundamentals of Nyaya philosophy with Nūtanāloka autocommentary and Ālokaprakāśa commentary by disciples.
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  45. A Formalization Of A Segment I Of Spinoza's Ethics.A. Blum & S. Malinovich - 1993 - Metalogicon 1:1-14.
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  46. Sot︠s︡ialisticheskiĭ gumanizm i sovremennai︠a︡ ideologicheskai︠a︡ borʹba.M. S. Kudri︠a︡shova - 1979 - Moskva: Izd-vo MGU.
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  47.  8
    Filosofii︠a︡ buddizma: ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡.M. T. Stepani︠a︡nt︠s︡ (ed.) - 2011 - Moskva: Izdatelʹskai︠a︡ firma "Vostochnai︠a︡ literatura".
    Первое российское энциклопедическое издание, посвященное философии буддизма, является самым полным в отечественной литературе сводом знаний о буддийской философии. Его главная цель - описать философское кредо буддизма в контексте разнообразия школ.
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  48.  12
    Glerii︠u︡ Shirokovu: i︠a︡ khotel by s toboĭ pogovoritʹ.S. V. Soplenkov & A. M. Petrov (eds.) - 2006 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ gumanitarnykh issledovaniĭ.
  49.  9
    Existence, experience, and ethics: essays for S.A. Shaida.S. A. Shaida & A. Raghuramaraju (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Festschrift in honor of S.A. Shaida; contributed research papers.
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